Intrauterine Insemination

Intrauterine Insemination

  • Intrauterine Insemination(IUI) – a type of infertility treatment in which sperm that Have been washed, and concentrated in the lab are Placed directly in the Uterus around the time of Ovulation.
  • It is useful in the case of Couples who have:

1. Azoospermia

-For Women who need to use donor sperm to Conceive.
-Frozen donor sperm specimens are Obtained from certified labs & thawed before the IUI procedure.

2.Unexplained Infertility

3. Endometriosis

To Obtain good Quality eggs before Performing IUI is after the first Treatment Approach.

4. Mild male Factor

 below average sperm count, Weak Movement & morphology overcome some of these Problems with IUI.