Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy


  • It is a Diagnostic Procedure in which Hysteroscope is inserted into the uterus through the vagina and cervix to sec diagnose any abnormality inside the uterine cavity.

    • Uterine Fibroid
    • Asher man’s Syndrome
    • Foreign body Removal
    • Endometrial Polyp
    • Uterine Septum


It is a Diagnostic Procedure used to examine the Organs inside the abdomen.

1. When it is Performed?

  • Laparoscopy is used to identify & Diagnose Certain Conditions which are not Effectively identified by other methods like – Sonography, CT scan or MRI.

2. Laparoscopy is useful in Following

  • -For Diagnostic Purpose
    -Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
    -Ovarian Cystectomy
    -Diagnosis & Treatment of Cancer

3. Laparoscopy is useful in Infertility cases like

  • -PCOD drilling
    -Endometriosis Surgery
    -Tubal recanalization etc.