Test Tube Baby(IVF)

Test Tube Baby(IVF)

  • IVF in vitro fertilization is a most Common infertility Treatment Where a specialized doctor takes the eggs from ovaries of female by using small needle & fertilize them with sperm in a specialized lab.
  • After Fertilization takes Place, The eggs Develop into embryos. Three to Five days later, The Specialist re-implants the embryos back into the uterus.


Who requires IVF OR ICSI treatment:

1. Female Factor

  • Tubal Factor(Tubal Blockage)
  • PID
  • Endometriosis
  • Low AMH
  • Advanced Age

2. Male Factor

  • Azoospermia
  • severe oligoasthenospermia
  • Abnormal Sperm morphology etc.

3. Cervical Factor

Mucus Produced by the cervix around the time of ovulation Provides an Ideal Environment for Sperm to Travel From vagina to tubes. But If Cervical Mucus is too Thick, It may impede Sperm’s Journey, IUI process bypasses cervix & Deposit Sperm directly into the uterus.